How to manage incontinence at night?



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How to manage incontinence at night?

This entry was posted in August 3, 2023

Whatever time of the day you are dealing with incontinence, can seem like an uphill battle. But struggling with incontinence during the night can seem impossible to manage as it disrupts your sleep and lifestyle. Sleeping helps us to revive our bodies, it helps us to repair and prepare for the next day ahead. While your asleep, there are many other active elements of your body at work and broken sleeping patterns can lead to mood swings, impaired judgement, memory issues and greater risks of infection.

So, what are first steps to take you can take today to manage your incontinence during the night?

Incontinence issues can happen to you no matter your age or walk of life, incontinence doesn’t discriminate or take any prisoners. But you are not alone. Don’t suffer alone. Take these steps to minimise your sleep interruptions as much as possible and make your nighttime routine more effective.

  1. Wear Protective Underwear or Pads - Admitting you need extra protection at night is not something any of us would find easy to come to terms with, but wearing incontinence pants or pads that are specifically designed for use at nighttime is not something to be ashamed of. We stock a large range of premium continence care products which you can browse here.
  2. Protect your Bedding - No one likes washing bedding, none of us start the week and think wow I can’t wait for bed washing day. But when it comes to incontinence changing your sheets becomes an even bigger chore than before, as most the time it can mean changing your sheets a lot more often. You can purchase disposable bed pads and washable bed pads which are highly absorbent and act as a waterproof mattress protector to prevent any leakages touching your new sheets.
  3. Limit your fluid intake before bed – Nightly incontinence can be intensified by your lifestyle but more specifically by: the time in which you are drinking, what you are drinking and how you’re drinking. With that in mind it’s best to try and avoid drinking any liquids 2 hours before you go to bed and if you do need a drink, stick to water and take small sips as and when your thirsty (no doses of caffeine before bed!).

If you find your still struggling after taking these steps, it might be best to contact a professional and book an appointment to discuss your concerns. We have a Ableworld continence care guide which you browse if your still in need of a little more help. As we all now know, DO NOT take a good night’s sleep for granted.

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