How much does it cost to run a stairlift | Ableworld Stairlift Blog



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How much does it cost to run a Stairlift?

This entry was posted in General November 17, 2022

Lady and Gentleman on Stairlift

With energy prices around the country increasingly raising, it's natural for people to be concerned about how much their energy usage and cost is going to impact their overall bills. To put your mind at ease, we have answered some of the most common questions recently asked about energy usage and running costs of our stairlifts.

One of the biggest myths regarding stairlifts is that they have a very high running costs, but you'll be pleased to hear that Ableworld's stairlifts are energy-efficient and cost-effective. 

On average an Ableworld stairlift costs around £10 per year to run, based on average 12 journeys per day.

How does a Stairlift work?

A stairlift has three basic components: the track, power pack and seat. All three of these are essential to the smooth running of a stairlift, other components can be added for user comfort. 

Our stairlifts use a combination of battery and mains power. They contain two rechargeable 12-volt batteries that are continuously charged through charging points, also known as 'parking spots'. These charging points can be found on either the top or bottom of your staircase. Once you have used your stairlift, you will need use your remote control to place it into the 'parking spot' to charge. 

Am I going to need to replace the batteries?

Our batteries should last around 3 years before they need to be replaced. All of our batteries are covered with a 30 day warranty and are fitted by our experienced and friendly team of Ableworld engineers.

We recommend that you only use our manufacturer-approved batteries and place your stairlift back on the 'parking spot' after every use. Leaving it off of your charging points for long periods of time can decrease your battery life.

To find out more about replacement batteries, contact our Stairlift department on 0800 014 9344.

If there's a power cut, will I be able to use my stairlift?

In the event of a power cut, you will not be able to charge your stairlift, but the batteries will enable you to do approximately 10 return journeys with a single charge. 

We're here to help

If you have any questions about our stairlifts or their energy consumption, please get in touch with our friendly team or find your local Ableworld branch. 



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