Ableworld customers win back the cost of their stairlift



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Ableworld customers win back the cost of their stairlift

This entry was posted in January 27, 2023

Ableworld customer winning back the cost of her Handicare 1100 stairlift  Ableworld customer wins back the cost of her HomeGlide stairlift in autumn promotion

We recognise the past year has been more difficult than most, and many of you may still be feeling the financial tug of Christmas, so as a caring mobility company we wanted to give back in any way they can.

During our autumn promotion ‘Affordable Independence,’ we ran a competition whereby any customer who had purchased a stairlift between the 4th of October 2022 and the 3rd of January 2023, would be automatically entered into the FREE competition to win back the cost of their purchase. This month, three lucky winners were randomly selected.

Mrs Richards bought a Handicare 1100 and won back £1195, when our local engineer Scott Robinson arrived with the cheque she said ‘’The stairlift has improved my safety and independence. I highly recommend Ableworld for being so helpful with everything.’’

Mrs J Bellis won £1645 back on her HomeGlide stairlift she bought in late 2022, our Staffordshire based engineer Mark Lee was thrilled to hand over the cheque and said ‘’Mrs Bellis was overjoyed with the stairlift itself, and said it has made a real difference to her life, she was over the moon at winning the cost of her stairlift back!’’

A stairlift installation is a life-changing step towards greater independence, improved mobility and safety within your own home. And we understand acknowledging you or a family member need a stairlift is the biggest step. At Ableworld we help you every step of the way – from quotation to installation to aftercare.

It’s amazing to know the difference we’re making to peoples lives. Another massive congratulations to Mrs Bellis and Mrs Richards!

Now with our winter sale in full swing, we are offering customers an alternative chance to win back, this time to win back the cost of their Riser Recliner. Find full details here. Good Luck!

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