Ableworld Celebrates National Bed Month



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Ableworld Celebrates National Bed Month 

This entry was posted in March 13, 2023

Ableworld wish to celebrate National bed month by recommending some helpful tips and tricks to ensure you get the best nights sleep.

We all know the importance of a good night sleep and we have all experienced the lasting effects from a bad one. So, whether you are constantly waking up in the middle of the night, or struggle to drift off in the first place. Ableworld are here to provide you with some useful information about sleep which may help you to drift off sooner!

As a nation we tend to take sleep for granted with many of us not getting the correct amount of sleep on a daily basis. You may have been surviving on 5 hours of sleep a night, thinking you have trained your body to function on such a short amount of sleep. However, taking some time out to concentrate on sleep could help improve cognitive function, energy levels and mood. As well as reducing our risk of disease, illness and stress. 

Everyone knows the average time recommended to us by professionals is 6-8 hours, during our lifetime that amounts to a whopping third of our lifespan. Not to say that everybody is alike, the amount of sleep needed to feel refreshed is different for everybody but one thing is for sure not getting enough affects us all the same. 

It's truly incredible the process in which our brain and body goes through when we sleep. During sleep our body fight off illnesses such as the common cold, cuts and bruises begin to heal and our brains also try to process the emotions we experience throughout the day to help protect our mental health. 

As humans we sleep in 90-minute cycles and throughout this time we would experience 4 different stages of sleep, Wakefulness, light, deep and REM sleep. Most of us wake up throughout the night without realising as our bodies naturally try to reposition. 

For example, did you know during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep we tend to dream the most. This is the stage of sleep in which we process a lot of our emotions that we experienced throughout the day. 

The importance of sleep should not be underestimated, we know now know that during sleep our bodies are on the mend and our brains are preparing for the day ahead. Below I shall list tips and dispel myths around sleep to ensure you sleep soundly.

  • Counting Sheep – Yes, this common saying has no truth behind it, it’s even said to prolong our wakefulness.
  • Caffeine Consumption – Even though many of us have a love (addiction) for tea and coffee, it really hinders our sleep performance. Caffeine has a half life meaning its sleep defying affects last longer than we think. Try having your last caffeinated cup of tea/coffee before 2pm.
  • Bright Lights - Avoid bright lights especially before you got to bed or between 10pm-4am. Please ensure you have enough light to move around your house with ease though.
  • Nap Time - Limit naps to 90 minutes or do not nap at all.
  • Temperature - Our core temperature has to drop 1-2 degrees in order for us to fall asleep, and has to rise 1-2 degrees when waking up. 

Sleep plays a vital role in our overall health and should be taken seriously. So, celebrate national bed month by taking your sleep seriously!

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