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Keep safe this Bonfire Night

This entry was posted in General November 1, 2022

people watching the fireworks display

Can you believe it’s November already? With bonfire night inevitably upon us, here at Ableworld were getting into the spirit of it all - woolly jumpers, warming drinks by the food van, twizzling the sparklers and watching the well-choreographed fireworks light up the night sky.

What is bonfire night?

Every year on the 5th November, Bonfire night is a tradition where colourful firework displays and bonfires fill up the sky with spectrums of colour and sounds, to remember the Gunpower Plot by Guy Fawkes in 1605. It’s a time of year, people all over the UK meet up with friends and family to brave the cold weather, and enjoy a night of festivities together.

But when immersing yourself in the magic of the displays make sure you are aware of the risks and know how to keep you and your family safe this bonfire night.  

  1. Dress appropriately – If you are attending a fireworks event make sure everyone is dressed for the occasion: seasonal jumpers, warm coats, boots, thick woolly socks and fluffy gloves all-round. And don’t forget an umbrella too – we do live in England after all.
  2. Protect your pets – If you have a furry family member, fireworks can make them extremely anxious and scared. So, make sure they are surrounded by blankets and toys, in a safe and comfortable room. Always close windows and curtains to help muffle the sound and blackout the flashes of the fireworks. You can also try and mask the sound of the bangs by turning the TV a little louder than usual.
  3. Children are drawn to bright things – ensure young children stay close to an adult and away from open flames or freshly lit fireworks (you don’t know which direction the fireworks will shoot off in)
  4. Practice fireworks safely – Make sure if you are building your own small fireworks display in your garden, you do it in a safe location away from trees, houses or any other hazards. You will most likely have neighbours so it’s always courteous and respectful to let them know about your plans. In some instances, local councils do not permit private displays so always check in advance. 
  5. Take care of yourself – Fireworks create smoke and a bitter scent that blankets across the ground. If you have asthma, heart problems or any respiratory difficulties it can be hard to withstand the smoke and chemicals in the air – so it’s best to avoid fireworks displays and enjoy them from the comfort of your living room window.

Staying at home this year? If you are deciding to stay indoors this bonfire night, what better and safer way to light up a room, than with a pick of our lighting products range at Ableworld. The smell of burning coal in your fireplace, hot chocolate and your favourite book - silhouetted in a warming yellow reading light on a cold Autumnal evening.

Browse our full collection of lighting products here.


Have a safe and enjoyable bonfire night from everyone at Ableworld!

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