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Win back the cost of your Adjustable Bed

This entry was posted in July 31, 2023

Congratulations to the three lucky winners of our ‘’Win back the cost’’ competition we ran during our Spring Promotion!

From the 4th April to the 3rd July 2023, Ableworld once again gave its customers a chance to win back the cost of their new Adjustable Bed. You have to be in it to win it! Customers must have purchased a new adjustable bed from any one of our 39 stores, to be automatically entered into the FREE competition. In July, three lucky winners were drawn meaning Ableworld was able gave back an amazing £1947 to their customers in one month alone!

Living independently and maintaining your mobility can be uphill climb, but doing that whilst living at home or recovering from a hospital stay, may be even harder. An Adjustable Bed can provide that extra helping hand you need to make your day-to-day life much easier. Our range of Adjustable Electric beds in store have been chosen with orthopaedic problems in mind, to help you stay as comfortable and relaxed in your own bedroom as possible. With a firm mattress and numerous adjustable positions, our beds will provide the comfort and support where needed. Our comfortable beds will provide a relaxed and pleasant night’s sleep for sure. They are one of the larger pieces of equipment we offer, so understand you need to take your time when making a decision of this magnitude. To help with that cost however, we offer repayment options to suit your needs, find out more here. Visit your local Ableworld store to try out our range of Adjustable beds.

Why choose Ableworld? Ableworld is the country’s leading mobility company with a proven track record for ethical trading and delivering quality mobility aids at affordable prices. All our stores are fully accessible and ready for you to browse at your own pleasure stocked with a wide selection of mobility items from Mobility Scooters to pill boxes. Find your nearest store here. 

This promotional competition has now ended but during our summer sale we are offering our customers the chance to win back the cost of their Road Scooter. Follow this link for full details. Good Luck! 

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Improve your Grip Strength - Part 2 

This entry was posted in July 28, 2023

Our ‘Get Fit with Ableworld’ blog series is back! After a long break we thought it was time to delve back into the world of fitness, providing the best information on how to improve health and longevity in our customers.

Previously we discussed improving the strength in our hands and arms using the Hand Grip Exerciser, a great product at strengthening overall grip strength. Now we wish to discuss a more affordable option that Ableworld offers is Theraputty, a product that achieves the same goals as the Hand Exerciser except through different methods.

How does Theraputty work?

The putty-like consistency makes it the perfect material to be pinched, kneaded, squeezed or separated, setting it a part from the Hang Grip Exerciser. These varied exercises make Theraputty a versatile tool for many people attempting to strengthen their grip.


What are the advantages to using Theraputty?

Theraputty is cost effective, creates no mess and doesn’t smell which can’t be said for similar products. It is non-toxic, greaseless, hypoallergenic and latex-free providing the most comfortable hand workout possible with less risk of skin irritation. It also features an anti-microbial component making it incredibly easy to keep the putty clean and hygienic.


Why is Theraputty important for strength?

The versatility of the product adds a new dynamic to your overall hand strength, targeting the dexterity of our hands which enables us to complete tasks without pain or struggle. As previously discussed, handgrip strength is so important to us as we age, not only is it a bio marker for our overall strength and health but it maintains our ability to lead independent lives.


Who would benefit from using Theraputty?

Perfect for those recovering from a serious hand injury, for those who have recently started to develop arthritis in their hands, or someone suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It can even be used by people who wish to strengthen their grip strength in general to ensure they maintain it for longer. For any information on the conditions mentioned above click here.  


To find more information about our Theraputty product, click the link here.

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Ableworld backs the Powered Wheelchair & Mobility Scooter (PWMS) Customer Assessment and Safety Training Scheme

This entry was posted in General July 21, 2023

In a significant step towards enhancing road safety and providing a better mobility experience for users, Driving Mobility introduced the ground-breaking Powered Wheelchair and Mobility Scooter (PWMS) Customer Assessment and Safety Training Scheme. This initiative aims to create an approved and consistent method for providing appropriate mobility scooters or powerchairs to customers, ensuring their safety and compatibility with the products they use. The UK, like many other countries, has seen a steady increase in the number of mobility vehicles on its road, making this new scheme a timely and essential development. 

One of the key players in the mobility industry, Ableworld, was recently invited to attend the launch event at the prestigious House of Lords. The event gathered influential figures including Baroness Tanni Grey-Thomson, renowned Paralympic athlete and advocate for accessibility; Margot Shatz from the Department for Transport, whose expertise in transport policies brought valuable insights to the table; and Raymond Hodgkinson MBE, an esteemed advocate for disabled rights and accessibility. 

Margot Shatz, representing the Department for Transport, highlighted the collaborative nature of this new scheme, emphasizing how it brings together clinicians from Driving Mobility assessment centres and retailers across the mobility sector. This partnership enables retailers to combine their knowledge of products with the expertise of clinicians, ensuring that customers are matched with mobility aids that suit their capabilities and needs. This approach not only empowers users but also fosters a culture of safety and responsibility within the industry.

The Powered Wheelchair and Mobility Scooter Customer Assessment and Safety Training Scheme aligns perfectly with Ableworld's strong commitment to ethical trading practices. As a leading player in the mobility industry, Ableworld has always placed a significant emphasis on providing top-quality products and services while upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct.

The introduction of the PWMS Training Scheme reinforces Ableworld's dedication to priortising customer safety and satisfaction above all else. By participating in this scheme, Ableworld is taking a proactive approach to ensuring that their customers receive the most suitable and safe mobility solutions tailored to their individual needs. Ethical trading goes beyond merely offering products; it involves genuine care and consideration for the well-being of customers. 

Ethical trading is an integral part of Ableworld's business philosophy. Ableworld believes in fostering long-term relationships with their customers, promoting inclusivity, and empowering individuals to lead independent lives. By actively engaging in the PWMS Training Scheme, Ableworld is reinforcing their dedication to these core values, demonstrating that they are not simply interested in making sales but are genuinely invested in their customers' well-being.

If you would like more information on the Powered Wheelchair and Mobility Scooter (PWMS) Customer Assessment and Safety Training Scheme, please click on the link here.



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Incontinence Care at Ableworld

This entry was posted in July 19, 2023

What is Incontinence & Continence?

The definition of Continence is the ability to control bladder or bowel movements, Incontinence therefore is the inability to control these movements. People can struggle with either urinary incontinence which is the accidental loss of urine from the bladder, or Bowel Incontinence in which you lose faeces from the bowel by accident.  

Who suffers from Incontinence?

People of all ages can suffer from incontinence but the likelihood increases as we get older. It is estimated that 14 million men, woman, young adults and children are living with bladder issues so, you are not alone!

What causes Incontinence?

There are multiple factors that could cause you to have issues with your continence including, weak pelvis floor muscles, change in nerves controlling the bladder or pelvic floor. It could even be down to an overactive bladder, for men the prostate may have enlarged which pushes against the bladder causing the urge to pee.

Symptoms of Incontinence?

Symptoms of Urinary incontinence varies from person to person but can include leaking urine when coughing or sneezing. Passing urine frequently, urgent need to pass urine, wetting the bed and difficulty passing urine when you do.

Symptoms of Bowel Incontinence includes, leaking from bowels, urgent need to open bowels, difficulty controlling wind and straining when emptying them.

How to regain control of your Incontinence

Ableworld understands that there is plenty of medication out there to help reduce the risk and frequency of leakage. However, Ableworld wish to promote behavioral changes that can be made instantly to improve incontinence without the need for pharmaceutical intervention.

Pelvic Floor Exercises – More and more evidence has been gathered to support the positive effects of training your pelvic floor to improve Incontinence. Strengthening the muscles that are active in bladder and bowel control can help you stop frequent leakage and regain some independence. Please click the link to find out how to perform the exercises correctly. 

Maintain healthy Weight – Taking care of your weight is another way to reduce incontinence as an increase in weight can cause diabetes. Diabetes increases the amount of urine that we produce which in turn increases our likelihood of leakage.

Diet – Eating a healthy diet is fundamental factor when it come to the overall health and functionality of our bowels and bladder. This includes eating fresh veg and fruit especially cruciferous veg such as Broccoli, the king of all vegetables in my opinion.

Healthy Fats such as oily fish, avocado and avocado oil, cold pressed Extra Virgin Oil from a glass bottle, are all healthy fats that our vital to any diet. Avoid vegetable oil like the plague!

Lastly eat fermented food such as Kimchi, Saurkraut and yogurt. Fermented food is proven to increase gut and bladder health!

Incontinence products at Ableworld

Here at Ableworld we understand the importance of incontinence care that is why we have a range of premium Incontinence products that can help anyone on a daily basis. We wanted to ensure we supplied our customers with premium quality pads & pants, that not only work perfectly but will stand the test of time.

Ableworld now supply Abena San Pads as well as Abena Pants.

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Ableworld Burton Have Relocated!

This entry was posted in General July 18, 2023

Ableworld have some fantastic news to share.

Our Ableworld Burton Store has relocated to its larger and more convenient location, now based at 2 Union Street, DE14 1AA next to the Alphabet Gift Shop. The new store location will offer customers a wider range of mobility aids, as well as an improvement to the store layout allowing for easier manoeuvrability whilst shopping. 

The wider range of mobility products that will be available throughout the store include mobility scooters, incontinence care, wheelchairs, powerchairs and much much more.

Ableworld Burton have even welcomed in a third member of staff to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. In addition to the relocation, Ableworld Burton will be making their services available 7 days a week instead of 6.

Opening every day Monday to Saturday 9.00am – 5.00pm and Sundays from 10am – 4pm, we hope the extra day of trading will be beneficial to our existing and new customers alike. For more information on our new store like here to visit the Ableworld Burton home page

If you are in the Burton area, why not come and say hello!

Join us on today, on the 18th July as we celebrate our store opening at the brand-new location. You will be able to browse the wide range of products whilst enjoying light refreshments and lots and lots of cake!

Our Summer Sale is currently in full swing, we have a huge range of amazing deals that you can shop now!

Right now, you can save £300 on folding scooter, £100 on all powerchairs, as well as great deals on everyday essentials such as 4 for 3 on premium incontinence products.

Everyone here at Ableworld Burton is excited to open up the doors of their new store, so make sure you come and take a look around and celebrate with us!  

Fancy getting in touch with our Burton store, call them on 01283 546867.

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